Summit 2020 Quizzing Announcement

Yesterday we shared the announcement by Awana that the fourth book, Leaders, in the new Journey Series was being delayed. You can read that post here. In that post, we stated that we would make an announcement when the book to be quizzed at Summit 2020 was finalized. We are keeping that promise and are now prepared to make that announcement.

The Summit team is announcing that quizzing for Summit 2020 will be using the Romans Study (Main Study 1 of the “old” Journey curriculum).

We have been in consultation with Awana and have been told that Romans will be the recommended main study with Ephesians/Galatians as the “elective” study.

This will allow groups to prepare for the 2019-20 year as we focus on Summit 2019.

We are still seeking volunteers to serve in many areas to make Summit 2019 memorable. If you wish to volunteer or are seeking more information about volunteering, click here.

To get the best pricing for Summit 2019, you must register by Feb. 18th when early bird pricing ends. Click here to register.

We look forward to seeing you at Summit 2019!

The Awana Announcement Concerning Journey

Recently, Awana released the following announcement regarding the 4th book, Leaders, of the Journey curriculum. (You may also watch/read their announcement on the Awana website.)

This announcement has raised the question in various forums as to the future of Summit and which book would be used for quizzing at Summit 2020.

The Summit team is aware of the announcement and we are continuing to plan for Summit 2020. We will announce the book to be quizzed in 2020 as soon as we are able, but no later than the end of Summit 2019 when we announce the location of Summit 2020. Keep watching this blog and the Summit web site for information.

For now, let us focus on Summit 2019.

We are still seeking volunteers to serve in many areas to make Summit memorable. If you wish to volunteer or are seeking more information about volunteering, click here.

To get the best pricing for Summit 2019, you must register by Feb. 18th when early bird pricing ends. Click here to register.

We look forward to seeing you at Summit 2019!

A New Journey

Today we begin a new year. There are many quotes, memes, etc. to help encourage you this time of year. Here is one of the more common ones,

“Tomorrow, is the first blank page of a 365 page book. Write a good one.” – Brad Paisley

Another similar phrase is that when we wake in the morning, that God has given us 86,400 seconds (i.e. one more day).

While these are are good, well meaning statements, they are not true for everyone. Waking up on January 1st does not ensure 86,400 seconds of life, nor does it ensure a vibrant 365 days to come. What it does ensure is that God has given you this time, right now, and how we live it will impact the people around us and have a ripple effect that we may never realize.

As we enter the new year, may we realize that life is a journey. A journey whose length and direction we do not know, but we know what guides us on that journey. It is the Word of the God.

“Your Word is a lamp for my feet, and a light on my path” – Psalm 119-105 (CSB)

On this journey there will be many temptations luring us to go left or to go right, leading us back to the path briefly only to cross it. There is a way to avoid these detours and it is found in God’s Word….

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your path straight.” – Proverbs 3:5-6 (ESV)

The passage does not say that the journey will always be easy. It states that He will make your path straight, helping you escape those temptations that lure you away.

Yes, the new year can be viewed as a book of blank pages that we will fill as time goes on, but we do not know how many pages that book will contain. However many pages our book contains, this year and throughout our lives, may they be filled with the things that we have witnessed God do in our lives and in the world around us. May our book, our life, be a witness to others of the goodness of God and of what Jesus did to bring us back into a close relationship with Him.

May we look with expectation in this new year for what God will do.

May we see Him active in our daily lives.

May we be witnesses of His goodness.

May our lives be a witness to others.

May this year be a journey of epic proportion as you follow Him.