Early Bird Pricing Ends SOON!

It is hard to believe that Summit 2019 is only 56 days away!

This is a reminder that Early bird pricing ends this Monday, February 18, 2019. After that, prices increase. Click here to register.

Other important deadlines:

We want to thank those who have already registered. We look forward to seeing you in San Diego!!

For those waiting for information on recommended hotel accommodations, we appreciate your patience and understand your frustration. As soon as things are finalized, we will broadcast it on the blog and through all of our social media channels. It will also be posted on the Summit website.

We know that regional events are taking place now. Please share pictures from those events with us using the hashtag #summitj19, tagging us in the various social media accounts and/or e-mailing them to us at socialmedia@summit-journey.org and summitjourneyalumni@gmail.com .

Introducing The Summit Social Media Intern


For some, this is one of the highlights of their year. The experiences and friendships are like no other.

These competitions were defining moments of my high school years. They helped shape me into the person I am today.

Who might that be?

My name is Elisabeth Phillips, but most everyone calls me Lissa. I participated in Awana for numerous years – almost longer than I can remember, if I’m being entirely honest. The majority of this time took place in New York state, west of Rochester. Junior year I was uprooted and moved to Kansas City for a year, and even though the following year found me living in Pennsylvania I kept those friends and still consider them dear ones.

Here’s the Cliffnotes of the basics of who I am. I am a lifelong pastor’s kid, have only one younger sibling (my little sister who is quite the character, and who may make some cameos on this blog), and I absolutely adore my dogs (golden retriever Molly who is a 60 pound cloud of anxiety and black Labrador Ruby who just turned 1 and is the epitome of the bratty younger sibling to Molly). I am currently in my junior year of college at Lancaster Bible College in Lancaster, Pennsylvania where I am studying Communication, with a focus in writing (no pressure here).

Now, the real question: why does this matter? Why should you care who I am, and why am I writing here in the first place?

The simple answer is that I am the Summit Social Media Intern for this 2019 competition, so you’re going to be seeing and hearing a lot of me in the months leading up to the competition, and even more once we’re there. I thought it would be best to explain who I am and why I’m here rather that poofing out of thin air and expecting you to take me seriously.

You will mainly see me here on this blog and on the Summit Instagram page, and expect interactive content. The first interaction I need from you is input on the Summit t-shirt design for this year. Rather than the leadership team picking out a design themselves, they want your thoughts and designs for this year’s shirt! (click here for the t-shirt design guidelines)

The first interaction I need from you is input on the Summit t-shirt design for this year

Submit your entry, and any questions, to finearts@summit-journey.org and have an impact on a shirt that will be in your daily wardrobe for years. (Trust me on that one. I’m a junior in college and still wearing my Summit shirts regularly. They can be quite the conversation starter.)

New Blog Feature

I am also going to be starting a new feature of this blog modeled on “Ask the Editor” articles. If you don’t know what that is, I automatically feel old, but it’s pretty much exactly like comments on a YouTube video, Facebook post, or the Q&A feature of Instagram stories (which I will also be doing, but more on that later). “Ask the Editor” was the predecessor to all of these way before the Internet was a thing, and even after as well. The audience can write in to the editor and ask questions, tell stories, give feedback; you get the idea. I didn’t want to limit those times to the 24 hour period that the Instagram Q&As are active and I want to be able to answer questions in detail if need be, something that fits this blog perfectly. With this format you can send me any questions you have about me, Summit, Awana, what Bible College is like post-Awana, etc. Get creative! These don’t have to be questions either. If you want to share a testimony of how Summit impacted you spiritually, how you grew in maturity, or some shenanigans you and your friends got into, I’m all ears. I also have dozens of these stories of my own to contribute, so don’t feel embarrassed or singled-out. I am also not limiting these questions to you teens participating. Do the parents out there have questions about Summit from their students perspective? Go for it! Do any leaders want feedback, questions answered, or to share a story about when a student carved his name into a rock at a national park? (carving your name in a rock at a national park is not encouraged) This is your platform as well, and I am merely the moderator of it. The email you can send all of these stories and questions to is summitjourneyalumni@gmail.com.

Here’s my first topic for you to respond to.

What is your favorite story of the beginning of practices for Summit?

I’ll give you a hint about mine: Fundraiser Valentines Dinner. These can be serious, silly, or anything in between. I’m looking forward to reading all of your stories.

So, to conclude, remember to submit your designs and ideas for the 2019 Summit t-shirt and send me a story about your favorite Summit practice story. I’m praying for all of you.


Weekend Update

A quick note to give you a brief update on a few things:


Our desire is to engage with you, those who love Summit, as you prepare and participate in this event. We are a community who love God, seek to grow closer to Him, and use the Awana Journey material as a tool to help us understand Him more. A community that sees Summit as a time to make, solidify, and renew friendships as we celebrate what God has done in and through us in the previous year. To help foster this community, we have established the official Facebook group for Summit-Journey! If you already “like” the Summit-Journey Facebook page then you can click the “Visit Group” button to join the group join the group. We hope to see you there as we build this community.


We are pleased to have a Summit Social Media intern this year. We will introduce them on Monday with their first blog post. Our intern will add a new layer to our communication and engagement with a few new and special features across our various social media platforms. We are excited for what they will bring to the team and the increased engagement with the Summit-Journey community.

Third –  Hotel accommodations for Summit 2019

We understand the anxiety and frustration of some as we finalize deals with area hotels for Summit 2019. We have similar feelings as we seek to finalize details, make reservations, and get all of our “ducks in a row”. The Summit team has been diligently working to make this announcement and we hope to have details finalized soon. We will announce it here, on the website, and our various social media channels as soon as it has been released. We sincerely apologize for the delay and thank you for your patience.

Fourth – Early Bird Registration Deadline looming

Be sure to register for Summit by February 18th to get the early bird rate before the pricing increases. You can still register after that date at the regular pricing.

Finally – and most important

Summit cannot take place without the many people who volunteer during the event. Did you know that the Summit team is made up of volunteers who plan for the various venues? We invite you to join us in helping Summit the event that we have all come to know and love. To find out more about being a volunteer at Summit and to register, visit the Volunteer page on the Summit website.

Planes, Trains, and Automobiles

Okay, one more thought…..
How will you journey to Summit? Last year the Summit Social Media team took a road trip to Summit. Plans are being made for the social media team’s journey to #summitj19. How will they travel? By plane, train, automobile, or other means? Vote for your suggestion in the Summit Facebook group!