Arriving at Summit 2019

A reminder to park in the lot across from the worship center on Greenfield Drive. (see image below, the lot is highlighted in red). There is a light to assist you in crossing the road.

After you cross the road, go to the left of the Worship Center (building in the middle, there are signs) into the courtyard, Then look for the check in banner…

Volunteers, the banner will be to your right as you enter the courtyard. Enter the door near the banner, take the elevators to the 3rd floor and proceed to room 345 (straight ahead).

Teams registering this afternoon, will see the banner to the left as they enter the courtyard.

The college fair, the social, and the Summit store will all be in that area.

Volunteers will be wearing purple shirts. If you need directions or information, please see one of the volunteers.

We are looking forward to a great few days! See you soon!

The Summit Road Trip

The Summit Social Media SUV is on the road again!

Some may think we are crazy as we embark on a road trip to Summit, and maybe we are, we will let you come to your own conclusion. As we make the trek, oops did it again; as we make the Journey to Summit, we will post a daily trivia question with the opportunity for you to win a small prize.

Watch as we make various stops along the way. Some fun, some nostalgic, some intriguing.

Watch the Summit-Journey Facebook page and our Instagram channel for the trivia contests and remember to use the hashtag #summitj19 when you post in your social media channels about this year’s event.

How about you? Comment below with how you will be making the Journey to Summit this year.

The Summit Social Media SUV Road Trip is sponsored by Commander Bill.

One More…

A few years ago, the theme of the Awana Ministry Conference was “One More”. It encouraged and equipped us to reach one more for Jesus and as we reached one more, they would reach one more, and the ripple effect would be greater than we could ever imagine.

This year at Summit, we are giving you the opportunity to reach one more.

This year we are highlighting Angelique, a youth in Rwanda who was transformed because she heard about Jesus at Awana and responded. Someone cared enough to share Jesus through Awana and she became one more. You can view her story below.

This year at Summit (April 10-14), the attendees will be invited to help more children and youth like Angelique through the Summit offering. Every $10 reaches another child/youth, every $10 reaches one more.

WHAT?!?!? Just $10 reaches one more? Yes, and this video shows you how….

Are you willing to reach one more by giving $10 at Summit?

BUT WAIT… there is more. We have a generous donor who will match dollar-for-dollar up to $5,000!!!

Will you prayerfully consider how many children & youth you will help reach in Rwanda? Can we collectively raise $10,000 to train 10 churches and help 1,000 more children and youth be able to attend Awana in Rwanda?

Will you reach one more? We may never know the ripple effect of reaching one more, but it will be far greater than we ever imagine.