The Latest News from Summit

The Summit team appreciates your prayers as we work out the many details for the Summit 2020 venues.

We are just a few months away from Summit 2020 and the excitement is building. Here is the latest from Summit:

Summit Website

The Summit website is being updated for Summit 2020. Much of the information has already been updated. If you see information from 2019, expect that to be updated for 2020 over the next few weeks.


Registration will be available on the Summit website soon. We know that you are eager to get your teams registered and lock in your spot, so as a courtesy we are providing you the link to the online registration. Click here to register for Summit 2020


Volunteers are the key to the success of Summit. Did you know that the entire Summit Core team is made up of volunteers? We want to invite you to walk along side of us and join our team of volunteers for Summit 2020. The registration to volunteer will be posted soon and as soon as it is available we will let you know. Please prayerfully consider how you can be a part of the Summit team.

Hotel Accommodations

One of the many aspects of finalizing venue details is seeking out hotel accommodations for your stay during Summit. These details are currently being worked out and we anticipate posting recommended hotel accommodations within the next few weeks. Again, we thank you for your patience.

Rule Update for Games

The scoring pins are back to the 5 foot mark where they were every year except last year.  Here are the relevant sections from the rule book.  The new portion is in bold.


The scoring for each event is stated in the game rules. The circle director determines who the winners are and reports to the scorekeepers. Players should not leave the circle until the Circle Director has determined their team standings.  NEW for 2020: When scoring the player may not enter the team zone opposite their circle pin after touching their scoring pin.  They must also avoid interfering with other teams.  Entering the opposing team zone or interfering with another team is a disqualification.

Scoring PINS

Game pins set at the five-foot marks are to be touched, tipped or knocked down by players’ hand(s) only.

T-Shirt Design

T-Shirt design submission deadline is fast approaching. The deadline is Sunday, February 2, 2020 @ 11:58pm
Visit the Summit Website for the T-Shirt Design Guidelines for 2020.

Continuing Updates

As information becomes available, we will be posting it here, updating the Summit website, and noting it on social media. We encourage you to subscribe to the blog to be notified of any new posts as they are made.


The Summit team is praying for you and your students as you prepare for Summit. We ask that you continue to pray for the venue leaders for wisdom, guidance, strength, and encouragement as they handle many things behind the scenes. But most of all, that God would be glorified as we see the students (and leaders) growing closer to Him, as He opens – and closes – doors, and as He prepares for us to have a Summit experience.

Now may the God of patience and comfort grant you to be like-minded toward one another, according to Christ Jesus, that you may with one mind and one mouth glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. (Romans 15:5-6, NKJV)

Summit 2020 Update

We know that many of you are eager to register for Summit and find the latest details so that you can plan accordingly. We would ask for your patience as we work on details with venues, negotiate with hotels, etc. We want to be sure that information provided is accurate.

It is recommended that you wait to purchase tickets for flights and book hotels rooms until we have updated the Summit website with the latest information.

Ken Phillips has stepped down as the Venue Leader for Fine Arts. We want to thank Ken and his family for the excellent job they did to keep Fine Arts an integral part of Summit for the last several years. The Summit team has been in contact with several people about leading Fine Arts at Summit. Once the role is filled, we will introduce you to the new Fine Arts Venue Leader.

We would ask for your prayers for the Summit team as we work out these venue details. There is currently no timetable for the Summit website to be updated for 2020. We will do our best to keep you updated with the latest information.

Thank you for your patience. and your prayers.

2020 Quizzing Information

If you look in the 2019-20 Awana catalog, then you see two separate recommendations for Journey material this year (Disciples as well as the old Romans and Ephesians/Galatians). Last year, Awana announced that they were not producing the 4th Journey book, Leaders, for the 2019-20 year as originally planned (you can view that announcement here). Shortly thereafter, the Summit team announced that for the 2019-20 year, the book to be used would be the “old” Romans Main Study (view that announcement here) which is one of the recommended options in the Awana catalog. As you prepare for Summit 2020, we wanted to help clarify the content to be covered for quizzing.

The following is from Rick Hayes, the Summit Quizzing Venue Leader.

The Bible Summaries on the website have been updated and now contain the memory verses.  The Old Testament Summaries for 2019-2020 are in the Bible Reading Checklist “Leaders” which is listed at the end of the Bible Summaries (linked to below). We are not doing the Leaders book in 2019-2020 (it has not been published), but rather the Book of Romans.  The Old Testament Summaries for 2019-2020 will be Exodus, Numbers, Judges, 1 & 2 Samuel, Ezra, Nehemiah, Song of Solomon, Obadiah, Micah, and Haggai. There are no New Testament summaries required as listed in the Romans book.

General Items to Note

Summit will quiz using all four standard versions used by Awana (KJV, NKJV, NIV84, ESV). The Romans study is not available in ESV from Awana so like last year, a master file will be developed with the verses in all four version and made available on the Summit website when it becomes available.

Material Covered – 2020

  • Faith Foundation booklet – verses and content
  • Romans Main Study lessons including questions and definitions.
    We will not ask Quizzers to quote word perfect other verses that are in the body of the Romans Main Study lessons.  However, questions could be asked from these other verses contained in the Romans Main Study lessons.
  • Old Testament Summaries for 2019-2020 and their key verses as listed in the Bible Summaries on the AwanaYM website – NOT the summaries as listed in the Romans study. The Old Testament Summaries for 2020 are:
    • Exodus – Key Verse: Exodus 20:2
    • Numbers – Key Verse: Numbers 6:24-26
    • Judges – Key Verse: Judges 17:6
    • 1 Samuel – Key Verse: 1 Samuel 8:5
    • 2 Samuel – Key Verse: 2 Samuel 7:16
    • Ezra – Key Verse: Ezra 3:11
    • Nehemiah – Key Verse: Nehemiah 2:17
    • Song of Solomon – Key Verse: Song of Solomon 2:4
    • Obadiah – Key Verse: Obadiah 1:15
    • Micah – Key Verse: Micah 6:8
    • Haggai – Key Verse: Haggai 1:8
    • For convenience, here are links to the Bible Summaries on the AwanaYM website: KJV / NKJV / NIV84 / ESV
  • The Journey Key Verses
    • 1 Timothy 4:12
    • 2 Timothy 2:2
  • The “Gospel Wheel” verses and content
  • The “Clear and Confusing Invitations” material
  • Romans chapters 1 & 8
    There will be one multiple choice question from each chapter (Romans 1 & Romans 8) each round taken from the text of the Bible – total of two multiple choice questions in a round.

The quizzing rule book for Summit 2020 will be posted on the Summit website, once updated, and will be the governing document for the event.

If you have any questions about Quizzing at Summit 2020, please contact Rick Hayes, the Summit Quizzing Venue Leader.

We will continue to keep you updated here on the Summit blog.