Reflecting on Summit 2020

This is truly a unique time in our lives. As the Summit Social Media SUV begins the virtual road trip home, we want to take some time to reflect on Summit 2020.

This has been a unique experience for everyone and much can be learned. As I studied and recorded a message for the children in my local church, the key verse is John 3:30, “He must increase, but I must decrease”. While we celebrate the accomplishment of those who studied and prepared for quizzing, the accomplishment of those who earned their Citation, and the talents that God has given many through games, volleyball, and fine arts, the ultimate glory goes to God. Through it all God is glorified as we grow closer to Him. Throughout Summit, we see the fruit of the Spirit growing in one another.

There is disappointment from a human perspective. God gave us emotions and those emotions evoke sadness. We miss seeing one another, for some, the only time we can fellowship with people we see once a year at Summit. That time together cannot be recovered, but what we will realize is that fellowship is important. We see that from the beginning of creation when God noticed that it was not good for man to be alone (Genesis 2:18). He knew that we needed fellowship with other people. Yet even in this time of social distancing, Journey groups found a way to be together to watch the Summit Live event (which did not broadcast live) and be together for that celebration. We gained a new appreciation for being with people with the same desire to grow in the Lord.

We found that even in times of difficulty, that we can be resilient. Though there was disappointment, there were also great efforts made to minimize the total loss of that fellowship and recognition of the growth in the Lord that has been evidenced in you, the students and the leaders. Through all of this, God was glorified… He increased, and we decreased.

As we reflect on Summit 2020, may we not reflect on what we had not, but may we reflect on what we had and how God was glorified. How we individually grew in wisdom and stature and in favor with God and man (like Jesus in Luke 2:52). How we were resilient, trusting God, in difficult times and overcoming obstacles.

There is much to be thankful for during this time. We encourage you to share with one another how you saw, and experienced, God over the last few months of preparation for Summit, and this past week of Summit. As Paul writes in Romans 10:14, “How, then, can they call on Him they have not believed in? And how can they believe without hearing about Him?…”, people will not know how God works in lives today if we do not share it with others.

As you reflect upon Summit 2020, look for how you saw God move in your life, and the lives of others, and share it with others.

Looking forward to hearing how God has worked in your life this past year, and eager to see how He moves as we prepare for Summit 2021.

It is now time for the Summit Social Media SUV to “hit the road” and begin its journey home, reflect on how God moved during Summit 2020, and begin to plan for the Summit 2021 road trip.

Keep growing in Him and Lord willing we will see you in Washington, D.C. in 2021.

Quizzing – Summit Live and T-Shirt Info

There is a lot of information to share today. Creative writing was held yesterday, visual arts were entered and “on display” today, and today is the day of Quizzing!!! We hope that you have been reviewing the information about the Summit offering during the week because it is now time for you to be quizzed on that information and who better to quiz you than Jeff Schacherer, THE quizmaster extraordinaire.

Information about, and how you can give to, the Summit offering can be found here.


Information about ordering Summit 2020 t-shirts will be announced during the live event and then posted on the Summit blog and website.

Please double check with your team leader as they may have already ordered shirts. Each team leader has been contacted for an opportunity to pre-order shirts for the whole team

Summit LiVE

We are working hard to put together a great Summit 2020 Virtual Awards that you can view via YouTube Live on the Summit blog at

You can also subscribe to the new Summit Social Media YouTube Channel

Summit Live will be on Saturday, April 4th @ 7pm Central Time

We do ask that everyone note the following – 

  • Patience and grace would be appreciated, this is our first time creating a virtual event
  • Should we have technical problems the event will be recorded and a link to view will be sent out as soon as possible

This virtual event has been a Summit Team effort but we want to recognize the above and beyond effort of Commander Bill (Gunter) our guru of Social Media; we want to thank Jeff Schacherer for his willingness to serve as our Emcee; Ed Gossien for his delivery of the Citation Charge; Ruth & Russell Foremen for their service of organizing and announcing the Citation Award Achiever names; and Bill Bianco for his extra effort in coordinating the various needs for Fine Arts.

The Summit Team appreciates your understanding in these challenging times and do hope that we will see everyone next year for Summit 2021 in… [nope, you need to listen in on Saturday for the location!]

The Impact of Awana

As we “gather” today for Summit, it is a time to share how Awana has impacted our individual lives. The Summit offering is going the Zimbabwe project to help get Awana in to the public schools there.

Watch a teacher in Zimbabwe share how she has seen the impact of Awana in the schools.

Help Awana reach more students in their public school system. Find out how by clicking here.

How has Awana impacted your life?