Romans – Main Study 1

This year, many have been affected by the shipping issues that Awana is experiencing and you may not have received your books for the Romans Study.

Awana understands your frustration and they have made the first four lessons of the Romans study available to help you get started as you wait for the actual handbook.

The Romans study is available in the three versions that it was originally produced, KJV, NKJV, and NIV84. To download a pdf of the study, click here….

To find copies of the Faith Foundations booklet in your preferred version, click here and select your preferred version. Note that the Romans study is stored in the Journey Classic Studies folder along with a few other classic studies.

These files are to help you get started with the new year as you wait for your order from Awana.

The Art of the Quiz

Photo Credit: Neal Dillard

Over the next four blog posts, I’m going to go over the four main parts of Summit-Bible Quizzing, Fine Arts, Awana Games, and Volleyball-to give you some tips I learned over the years, as well as some of my favorite memories. I’ll also cover touring around with my group, the Citation ceremony, and Hotel Hi-jinks (look forward to that one. My favorite story involves a VIP lounge at midnight). This post, as you may have guessed from the title, is going to cover Bible Quizzing.

I Bible-Quizzed for nine years straight, from third to eleventh grades. I would have quizzed in twelfth grade as well, but my family moved to Pennsylvania the summer before and there weren’t any local teams, unfortunately. Over the course of those years, I found myself with a first-place medal five times. The first two times were in fifth and sixth grades, in T&T Regionals; the third and fourth times were both in seventh and eighth grades in Trek at Regionals; and the final time was at Summit in Washington, D.C. my junior year. The other two years in T&T I won Quizzing Champion-a distinction given to those achieving perfect scores in both the written and multiple choice sections of the Quiz.

I don’t say this to brag, or to make anyone feel bad-please don’t misunderstand. I say all this to show you how obsessed I was with Bible Quizzing. I loved it with all my heart, and gave my all every single year, refusing to accept anything less than perfection-one wrong question equaled total defeat in my mind.

While I loved Quizzing, nothing gave me more anxiety than stepping onto the stage or into the quizzing room.

There was adrenaline involved, certainly-normal childhood nerves.

There was also heart stopping, gut-wrenching, sweating terror.

I couldn’t identify it as such then, but now as I look back,  I can easily identify it for what it was.

I’ll explain.

From the moment we received our books at the beginning of the year, in September, I was already strategizing and studying. I would finish my book as quickly as I was allowed-usually in under a month-in order to begin buckling down for Quizzing. We didn’t start group practice until January, which was my cue to make my flashcards and mark up my book with copious notes. I carried these cards with me all at times in my pockets, so no matter where I was, I could make use of any down time to study. Needless to say, I was obsessed.

I was also terrified. Of failure, of imperfection, of even remotely disappointing or letting down those I saw as counting on me. I was the Pastor’s Kid, so there was a pressure to be perfect at anything Bible-related. Most of all was Quizzing; it was the epitome of everything a pastor’s kid should be good at.

I also had the advantage of a sharp memory, even from my earliest days memorizing Dr. Seuss and Thomas the Tank Engine almost before I could walk. This gave my Nana quite the scare when the two year old tells her she missed a page. Because of this ability, and the praise that always came with it, I assumed I had no choice but to quiz and to be the best at it. I was the Pastor’s Kid, I had to be good at quizzing, right? Isn’t that how genetics work? If I had this gift, this memory, how could I not use it in Quizzing? How could I not do well?

This is where my fear of making mistakes came from.

If you hear nothing else in this post, please hear this:

It’s okay to make mistakes. In Quizzing, you can buzz in slightly too early, say the wrong verse from Romans (3:23 or 6:23), or grab the wrong paddle. You can trip in Games. You can accidently serve too hard and overshoot the court during the deciding Volleyball match. You can sing a flat note, have your voice crack, or use the wrong form of “there” in Fine Arts.

It’s okay to make mistakes.

Mistakes are where you really learn. Yes, they hurt, and no one wants to make mistakes, especially at a national competition they spent a lot of hard earned money on and put hundreds of hours of practice into. But that verse you add one wrong word into, or change the reference? That’s the one that sticks with you for years to come, not the ones you know and answer correctly.

I earned a different medal every year I quizzed at Summit. Freshman year was a silver, Sophomore year was a gold, and Junior year was platinum. There’s clearly an element of growth attached with such immense progress, but there was also another factor at play: I never quizzed with the same people twice. The group I quizzed with Freshman year was completely different from my Sophomore year team, even though we were from the same church. Junior year my team was from a completely different state halfway across the country.

Every one of these years, in every different group, I made different mistakes, and every year I grew because of them. Without mistakes, there was no way freshman me could have ever made it to junior me with a first place medal around her neck. Without these mistakes, I wouldn’t be the student I am today. I still use my Quizzing memorization techniques for tests and quizzes, and I still use what I learned in the Creative Writing competition in my papers.

(I honestly tried to think of something for Games and Volleyball, but I was never an athlete)

So, all that being said, here’s my final takeaway for this post:

It’s okay to be afraid. It’s okay to make mistakes.

You don’t need a medal around your neck for Summit to be “successful” or have meaning

Don’t let them define you or your experience at Summit. Don’t let them control your life, reshaping everything into a pass or fail situation. Only one team can win, and that’s okay. You don’t need a medal around your neck for Summit to be successful or have meaning.

So relax, have fun, use that rush of adrenaline. Just don’t let Summit, or any competition, define you.

Later this week I’m going to post about Quizzing again, but this time it’ll be much more relaxed and way less heavy. I’m going to share my favorite Quizzing memories from Journey and Summit. If you send me yours, it may make a little cameo in the post. Use the comments, or email I’ll talk to you soon!

Journey = Friendships and Memories

Journey. It builds friendships throughout thick and thin, providing memories that will last a lifetime. On my last post, a Journey leader shared his story of his students creating a silly little catchphrase during a Quizzing practice, and this saying remained with them for years to come. A friend did a similar thing during my freshman trip, way back when Summit was still in Chicago. He was constantly quoting the movie Elf, in particular the line “The yellow ones don’t stop,” in reference to taxis. Our church was located in a rural part of New York so we rarely saw taxis in person, making a sighting of them incredibly exciting for us, much like seeing a unicorn would. Experiences and stories like these are what truly made Summit special for me, and I’ll be sharing many more of my favorites as the weeks go on.

While Summit itself is still a little ways away, Regionals are here for many of you. For those who have never participated in a Regional competition, they were a constant in my Awana career from the time I was in second grade all the way until junior year of high school. These competitions were far less intense than Summit competition-wise, but no less beneficial.

The most obvious impact was that Regionals showed my Journey Team, and myself, where we needed to dedicate our practice time. Whether this was a new strategy for the Balloon Relay, more intense Volleyball practices or renewed focus on a particular section of the Quizzing material, Regionals were essential in our preparations. Without these intense events we would not have been the same team at Summit-certainly we would have arrived less prepared.

These trips also provided something far more important than practice: friendships. While the teams we competed against were from all over the state, there were people we just clicked with. Every year we’d be thrilled to see who came to compete and who came to support, especially our recently graduated friends. These friendships added so much meaning to Regionals, giving them a value far beyond a trophy or ribbon.

I had an incredibly weird coincidence show up my sophomore year, when my best friend from my basketball team and I were chatting about Awana. Her church offered it up through T&T, and we were discussing quizzing when our T&T years came up. She mentioned participating in Regionals, a remark that made me freeze. There was only one Regional competition for T&T in our state-the same one I competed in annually. As it turns out, we had competed against each other in quizzing for all four years of T&T before we even knew each other! Two of those years my Quizzing team had actually beaten hers by only the slimmest margin. God had brought us together years later and granted us an-admittedly unique-bond through these competitions.

If I had to give you a moral through this post, it’s never underestimate how God is moving in your life. Regionals grew me both spiritually and in maturity through ways nothing else could have. If you’re feeling doubt, fear, or boredom about Regionals, talk to God. These competitions may seem silly and trivial, and honestly, in the long run–in the world’s eyes–they are, but don’t let this prevent you from being open to God moving in your life. I’ve heard countless stories about how Summit impacted my friends-don’t limit God to those three days. Use this entire experience from the first Journey meeting of the year to the finale event as an opportunity to grow.

For my next post, I want to hear your stories of how Summit challenged you. These can be simple things, like patience with your team at 1 a.m. or more personal, such as your relationship with God. Don’t feel pressured to share anything, especially if it makes you uncomfortable. I want this blog to be a place of encouragement for the Summit community. Please e-mail your stories to me.

I’m praying for you all!