Coaches Meetings

Times and dates have been set for the coaches meetings. These will take place via Zoom and the venue leader will contact you with the meeting access information. If you do not receive the information, then please contact the venue leader.

All meetings will be at 8:00 pm EST, 7:00 pm CST, 6:00 pm MST, and 5:00 pm PST

Games: Tuesday, February 11th

Volleyball, Monday, February 17th

Quizzing, Tuesday, February 18th

Time is Running Out!

shallow focus of clear hourglass

It is hard to believe that in just short 2 months we will be meeting together for Summit 2025 in Sierra Vista, AZ.

Deadlines are coming fast like the T-Shirt design submission deadline which is tomorrow January 14, 2025 @ 11:58pm PST!!!!

What makes Summit such an excellent experience are the many volunteers who sacrifice their time to serve. If you are thinking about being a part of the amazing group of volunteers, be sure to register to volunteer on the Summit website.

If you are interested in being part of the core team, then contact that venue leader and see if you can shadow them, or sit and chat with them, during Summit to learn the time commitment and what is involved.

Finally for now…. help the Summit Social Media SUV plan their road trip from Pennsylvania to Arizona. What are some places/stops that we should include in our itinerary (exact route not finalized as of this post)? Contact us with your suggestions, then follow our journey to Summit to see if your location was selected. If your suggestion is selected, we may pick up a souvenir for you along the way!

Looking forward to seeing you at Summit!