The Final Prep for Summit 2023

In just 4 weeks, one month, the Summit Social Media SUV will be arriving in Idaho Falls! There is so much to do between now and then. The trip is being planned, suitcases being packed, and so much more. We hope that you will follow the Summit Social Media SUV as it travels across the country, making stops at interesting places and asking daily trivia questions.

As we prepare for Summit 2023, consider and pray about how you can be a part of promoting and preparing for Summit 2024!!!

Do you like creating content?

Do you like guiding high school youth into adulthood by providing them with opportunities to gain more knowledge or ministry experience?

Do you enjoy the fun, excitement, and competitiveness of a good volleyball game?

If you enjoy any of these, then reach out to the various venue leaders to see how you can be a part of the team. Taking time during Summit 2023 is a great way to get to know what we all do “behind the scenes” to make Summit the great experience you have come to know and expect.

Keep the Summit team in prayer as we put the finishing touches on Summit 2023. Join us in praying that the weather is great for traveling and while we are in Idaho. The Summit team is praying for you as you prepare to join us in Idaho Falls for Summit 2023!

Keep watching the blog and social media for the latest as we get closer to the event.