Virtual Quizzing Information

The 2021 Summit Bible Quizzing will be conducted via Zoom on Saturday, April 17, 2021, from noon – 3:00PM EDT (9:00AM-noon PDT). 

We will use the chat feature in Zoom to post the questions, as well as read the questions aloud.  Answers will be typed into the chat feature.  Each team will be assigned a scorekeeper/judge who will see their answer and judge the correctness of the answer (only the scorekeeper will see the answer typed).  Questions will be similar to an in-person quiz, with multiple choice questions and short answer questions (one sentence or less) (20 points); single verse memory verse and longer answer questions (30 points), and multiple verse memory verses (40 points). 

  • All teams will answer each question (there will be no speed questions where someone tries to buzz in first to answer).
  • An incorrect answer will be 0 points.
  • 10 seconds will be given to type in the answer to a multiple choice question
  • 40 seconds will be given to type in the answer to a short answer question
  • 30 point questions will be given 1 minute 15 seconds to type in the answer
  • 40 point questions will be given 1 minute and 45 seconds to type the verses

The plan is to have 2 rounds of quizzing.  Each round will consist of 2 sets of 25 questions, with a 5 minute break in between the sets of questions.  The top 10 teams, including ties, will advance to the Platinum Round.  There will be a 15 minute break in between the rounds.  Teams will be asked to connect via Zoom 20 minutes before the start to the first round so that we can be ready to start at noon EDT).

Materials covered will be the same as listed in the Summit 2021 Quiz Rules (available for download on the Summit website).  Each team must have one coach (a coach cannot coach more than one team during the quizzing).  Each team may have two to five participants on their team, with no more than four quizzing at the same time.

Challenges to questions must be made as soon as possible by texting Rick Hayes, the Bible Quizzing Coordinator.  Questions must be challenged within one question of the question challenged (when we do the in-person quizzing, the challenge must be made before the next question is asked – for the Zoom quizzing, trying to extend the time a bit).  Once a challenge is made, we will stop the quizzing until the challenge is resolved.  Rick will contact the coach making the challenge to discuss it.  A ruling will be made on the challenge, and if necessary, corrections will be made to resolve the issue.

If there is a tie for first place in the Platinum Round, a five question tie-breaker will be held.  Questions will be longer answer questions (memory verses, lists, Bible Summaries,…).  One minute 45 seconds will be given to type the answers.  If teams are still tied after the first tie-breaker, one more set of 5 questions will be asked.  If there is still a tie, we will use a 5 question Kahoot multiple choice quiz, where the speed of answering questions correctly is factored in.

We will conduct a Zoom Bible Quiz Coaches call on Tuesday, March 30rd, starting at 8:30PM EDT.  An invitation with the Zoom link will be sent out to the teams registered for Bible Quizzing.