A Virtual Summit 2020?

The Summit team understands the disappointment of having to cancel Summit 2020. It is our goal to minimize the impact as much as we can as we honor the work the participants have put into preparing for Summit this year. Here is what is planned to still take place for Summit 2020:

FINE ARTS will continue.

All of the Fine Arts categories will be judged, and scholarships will be awarded. Most of the fine arts categories have been submitted and judged already. There are two categories that take place at Summit, Visual Arts and Creative writing. These will also be accommodated.

Visual Art submissions that would have been brought to Summit will need be submitted electronically by either a digital photograph(s) or video (1-minute maximum/no narration) and sent to finearts@summit-journey.org. We will allow videos for those who may have a sculpture or other piece where a photograph does not present the piece well. Submissions will need to be made no later than Thursday, April 2nd @ 3:00 pm CDT. All documentation must be provided just as it would be required if you carried the piece to Summit – please be sure to include those cover sheets.

Creative writing will be held similar to how it would have been performed at Summit. Those who registered for creative writing will meet via a Zoom conference call where they will be given the prompt to begin their writing. They will be writing on a computer with a proctor (yes, you need to find a proctor) in the room and then submit their writing via e-mail within the allotted time frame to the Fine Arts venue leader. This will take place at the same time it would have taken place at Summit, Thursday, April 2nd @ 3pm CDT. A link for the Zoom meeting will be sent to all who have submitted their first portion of the writing competition.

More info to be relayed to those participating in these areas of Fine Arts soon.

Refunds will begin being sent via a check from West Coast Honor Camp this week and the plan is to have all in the mail within two weeks. Those that signed up for Fine Arts will have that portion subtracted and the balance will be sent to you via the US Postal Service.

Summit T-Shirts

We do plan to print Summit 2020 T-shirts and make that an optional item (prices w/ shipping coming soon) that we could deduct from your already paid fees. An email will be sent out with information to the registered team contact person. We would prefer to ship them in bulk to one person – details to follow in direct email message.

Here is some exciting news…

We are working to have the Summit 2020 Awards Online!

On Saturday, April 4th at 7pm CDT, we are working on having a live program online where we will announce the Fine Arts winners, the T-Shirt Design Contest winner, as well as the dates and location for Summit 2021 (and maybe a few surprises).

Other aspects of Summit 2020 that we have addressed.

We will be promoting and taking an offering for Summit. Even though Summit had to be cancelled, people still need to know about Jesus. We will be sharing about the offering and how you can give on the Summit Blog once details are worked out.

Citation Award earners that were looking forward to receiving their Citation award at Summit 2020 will be allowed to participate by walking and receiving their Citation award at Summit 2021. We know that you have worked hard to achieve this goal and we want to honor you in this way.

As for the other aspects of Summit, we are unable to accommodate them this year, and we are unable to allow 2020 graduates to return and compete on the Journey high school teams in 2021. The Summit team is looking at establishing an Alumni circle during AwanaGames and Volleyball (with enough signing up) which would allow those who would have competed this year to compete next year with other Awana Alumni. Details are being worked out for this alumni competition and will be conveyed via the Summit website and blog as they are finalized in the Fall.

While we are saddened by the cancellation of Summit 2020, our prayer is that this helps ease the disappointment. We hope you will join us on April 4th for the closing program and to find out where and when Summit 2021 will be held.

Thank you,

Summit Team