One More…

A few years ago, the theme of the Awana Ministry Conference was “One More”. It encouraged and equipped us to reach one more for Jesus and as we reached one more, they would reach one more, and the ripple effect would be greater than we could ever imagine.

This year at Summit, we are giving you the opportunity to reach one more.

This year we are highlighting Angelique, a youth in Rwanda who was transformed because she heard about Jesus at Awana and responded. Someone cared enough to share Jesus through Awana and she became one more. You can view her story below.

This year at Summit (April 10-14), the attendees will be invited to help more children and youth like Angelique through the Summit offering. Every $10 reaches another child/youth, every $10 reaches one more.

WHAT?!?!? Just $10 reaches one more? Yes, and this video shows you how….

Are you willing to reach one more by giving $10 at Summit?

BUT WAIT… there is more. We have a generous donor who will match dollar-for-dollar up to $5,000!!!

Will you prayerfully consider how many children & youth you will help reach in Rwanda? Can we collectively raise $10,000 to train 10 churches and help 1,000 more children and youth be able to attend Awana in Rwanda?

Will you reach one more? We may never know the ripple effect of reaching one more, but it will be far greater than we ever imagine.